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OpenSky World ha uno stretto rapporto con Blackshape Aircraft Corporation con sede a Monopoli, Italia.
Blackshape ha sviluppato la sua gamma di aerei da addestramento altamente acclamati attualmente in produzione.
Gli aerei hanno eccezionali capacità prestazionali e sono aerei da addestramento ideali sia per il mercato civile che per quello militare.







Il Blackshape Prime è un velivolo ultraleggero biposto ad alte prestazioni progettato per gli appassionati che apprezzano sia la qualità che la sicurezza. Con l'obiettivo di offrire un'esperienza di volo eccezionale, il Prime offre prestazioni di volo superiori, pur essendo progettato tenendo presente la sicurezza.

Realizzata utilizzando materiali innovativi, tra cui fibra di carbonio pre-impregnata di alta qualità, la Prime non è solo elegante e sportiva nel design, ma anche leggera e incredibilmente resistente. La meticolosa attenzione ai dettagli da parte del nostro team qualificato in ogni fase del processo di produzione garantisce che ogni Prime che lascia i nostri locali soddisfi i più elevati standard qualitativi

The Blackshape Prime is a high-performance two-seater ultralight aircraft designed for enthusiasts who value both quality and safety. With a focus on delivering an exceptional flying experience, the Prime offers superior flight performance, while also being engineered with safety in mind.
Crafted using innovative materials, including high-quality pre-preg carbon fiber, the Prime is not only sleek and sporty in design, but also lightweight and incredibly strong. The meticulous attention to detail by our skilled team at every stage of the manufacturing process ensures that every Prime that leaves our premises meets the highest quality standards.




Blackshape Gabriél, un capolavoro di design e ingegneria italiana. Nato da un impegno per l'eccellenza, Gabriél è una testimonianza di dedizione nel fornire ai piloti un'esperienza di volo senza pari. Che si tratti di un pilota privato o di una scuola di volo, Gabriél offre una variante su misura per le esigenze del cliente. Blackshape Gabriél è all'altezza di ogni sfida, con un ambiente di cabina di pilotaggio in vetro all'avanguardia e comandi intuitivi. Che si tratti di navigare nei paesaggi urbani, esplorare i cieli aperti o gareggiare su terreni accidentati, Blackshape Gabriél offre manovrabilità e reattività senza pari.

The Blackshape Gabriél, a masterpiece of Italian design and engineering. Born from a commitment to excellence, the Gabriél stands as a testament to dedication to providing pilots with an unparalleled flying experience. Whether for a private pilot or running a flight school, the Gabriél offers a variant tailored to client's needs. The Blackshape Gabriél rises to every challenge, with a state-of-the-art glass cockpit environment and intuitive controls. Whether for navigating cityscapes, exploring the open skies, or racing across rugged terrain, the Blackshape Gabriél offers unmatched maneuverability and responsiveness.

IMG 3327-scaled




Blackshape is pleased to appoint OpenSky World as its dealer and commercial channel for several North African and Middle Eastern Countries. Effective from May 23, 2024. OpenSky World will provide comprehensive and effective sales and maintenance support across these regions.


This partnership is part of Blackshape's strategic international business development initiative. OpenSky World, with its rich history and international experience in Airlines’ Representative, brokerage and aircraft sales and acquisitions, boasts a robust local and global business network. The Company is renowned for delivering exceptional customer service, helping clients maximize the value of their aviation assets.


OpenSky World, having its headquarters in Bologna, Italy, will represent Blackshape serving as a starting point for a comprehensive sales network in Africa and the Middle East.


For more information:




OpenSky World has organized 27 charter flights (passengers and cargo) repatriating Italians stranded abroad, and importing medical supplies, to deal with the COVID19 pandemic. 

Cargo charter flights operated repeatedly from China to Bologna, Bari, Naples, Milan and Rome and were carried out thanks to the Diplomatic Assistance of the Italian Embassy in Beijing.
In total, almost 1,000,000 kilograms, equal to 8,000 cubic meters of materials, were transported. The transport of these medical devices was done using aircraft of different capacities to meet the different specific needs of the market such as: the iconic Antonov 124, the B747/400 freighter, Boeing 777/200LRF, Tupolev 204-100C, AIrbus 340/300, Boeing 737/400SF and Airbus 300B4.
Among the carriers used, FLYDUBAI, of which OpenSky World is the GSSA Cargo in Italy, as well as San Marino Executive Aviation, Aviatrans TU Cargo, Ethiopian Cargo, Plus Ultra Lineas Aereas, Volga Dnepr Airlines and Atran Cargo.
A teamwork that has allowed all the supply chain to fight against COVID19


The Charter Department of OpenSky World, General Sales Agent cargo for Italy of Air Sénégal and Flydubai, has distinguished itself once again, successfully completing a maxi-flight operation, aimed at transporting an entire line of machinery for a production site in Uganda.
Brescia Montichiari Airport was chosen as departure airport.
In order to be able to transport the large number of oversized crates, several Boeing 747 Freighters and Antonov 124s were chartered.
The team worked with great professionalism with the selected carriers, in order to be able to adapt the measurements of the crates to the maximum acceptable dimensions on the chartered aircraft; an example for all, a case of 550x500x345cm, defined with "centimeter" precision and loaded on the Antonov 124.

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flydubai, the National Carrier of Dubai, offers regular daily flights operated by a modern fleet of BOEING 737 from BERGAMO, NAPLES and CATANIA, to Dubai and to more than 100 destinations in Africa, Middle East, South East Asia.


Air Sénégal offers regular services with AIRBUS 330 and AIRBUS 321 from Europe to Dakar and to the most important Capitals of West Africa.


For info: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. – tel: 0039 051 382485

Web site OpenSky World: www.openskycargo.eu

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OpenSky World is the Most Important IATA Company offering integrated services for all Foreign Communities living in Italy.


During the last 20 years Opensky World has defined strategic agreements with all the Airlines and Service Providers, with and exclusive agreement with the most important money transfer company: Western Union.
Today Opensky World is able to offer its affiliates the following services at the best market conditions:
- Airline ticketing
- Ferry ticketing
- Insurances for foreigners (health/sureties)
- Money Transfer.
If you are interested in this type of opportunity, you can fill out the affiliation form on the Affiliazione website and send a request.
You will be contacted as soon as possible.


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